Monday, February 8, 2010

featured on!

I wish I would've known sooner...I was featured on today!
If the link has expired check it out directly at:

Friday, January 8, 2010

new years mailing

I have been so busy I haven't even had time to blog! But it's 2010 and I wanted to share the package/card I sent out to my clients for the New Year. I wanted to send something that was a little more fun and noticeable than the norm.
Of course, a blow horn! I whipped up a card and some labels to cover the exsisting artwork on the can and...whaaalahhh! Hope they like it!
Happy New Year!

Monday, October 5, 2009

halloween is coming! party invites.

   So, this is's October and I have to plan a 10 year old sleepover party!
   That's right, I said sleepover. YIKES! Luckily my daughter only wanted
   to invite 7 friends. We think we can handle that.(Sure...) Anyway, I did
   send out the invitations this morning. My daughter helped me create them.
   Took a small wood coffin (Michaels Craft Store) and painted them. Then I
   designed a quick invite and she helped with the copy. Printed them out had
   my daughter tear the edges...tied them with black ribbon...put them to bed
   in blackish grey netting from the dollar store. Then of course I had to create
   the mailing box that they went in because the box from the Container Store
   was just too big. So I disected it and created a smaller box ... put in some
   spanish moss for that creepy effect. Added a maling label and there off!
   It took the better part of our afternoon. Now we just have to decorate the
   whole house and choose the games! I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


OK! Here we go...I originally created a blog as my interim designer website. Now that I have finally created my site I can blog for real! That said, you will be seeing everything from my home to projects that I do. Especially since Halloween is right around the corner. See you soon!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009